How is an employment relationship terminated?
There are several ways to terminate an employment relationship:
1. If your employment contract is for a fixed term, the employment relationship ends on the date specified as the deadline.
2. Termination/dismissal/resignation: Both you and your employer can terminate the employment relationship. However, certain deadlines (notice periods) must be observed.
A termination or dismissal must always be carried out in writing. If you are dismissed verbally, you need to react quickly and get help straight away!
Important: a termination or dismissal only has to be signed by the person issuing it. If you are dismissed, only your employer has to sign. If you are asked to sign the notice of termination, it is probably a cancellation agreement.
3. Cancellation agreement: If you and your employer agree to terminate the employment relationship, you can put this in writing in a cancellation agreement. You then specify when the relationship is terminated without giving notice of termination/dismissal. You and your employer must sign this agreement for it to be valid. Further details can be written down in the agreement, for example how holiday/pay entitlements are dealt with.
Important: if you sign the cancellation agreement, you will lose your protection against dismissal and may later receive less money (benefits) from the employment agency.