Förderprogramm "Integration durch Qualifizierung IQ"

Is workplace bullying a punishable offence?

Bullying at work in itself is not a punishable offence. However, there are certain actions that are punishable and that you can report. For example:

  • Sexual harassment – such as if someone repeatedly approaches you or touches you (against your will).
  • Physical harm – such as if you become ill as a result of bullying and a doctor certifies this.
  • Slander – such as when deliberate lies are told about a person.
  • Duress or coercion – such as when you are forced to do something that you do not want to do or cannot do.
  • Verbal abuse – such as if you are insulted.

It is helpful if you have evidence of the offence, like text messages, WhatsApp messages or witnesses. If you experience any bullying, always contact your Fair Integration advice centre!