Förderprogramm "Integration durch Qualifizierung IQ"

Do I have to travel to a corona risk area if my employer sends me there on a business trip?

Your employment contract states whether business trips in Germany and abroad are compulsory for you. If you do not go on a business trip despite your obligation, this can be a reason for a written warning (Abmahnung) or termination (Kündigung).

Important: Nevertheless, your employer cannot send you on business trips anywhere without restrictions.  You have the right to refuse a business trip under certain circumstances. The employer has a duty of care (Fürsorgepflicht). This means that, among other things, he has to protect the health of his employees. If there is an official travel warning from the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) for a specific country or area, the employer must take this into consideration. Should your employer nevertheless send you on a business trip to a risk area, you should always speak to your supervisor and / or the works council. Let the Fair Integration advice center help you!

You can find the current travel warnings from the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) under the following link.