Förderprogramm "Integration durch Qualifizierung IQ"

Will I still get money from my employer if I am in quarantine?

Quarantine means that you have to stay home for a certain period. The relevant authority, like the health authority (Gesundheitsamt), decides if this is the case for you or not. You will continue to receive your wage while you are in quarantine. The Protection Against Infection Act (Infektionsschutzgesetz) regulates who is responsible for the loss of your salary.

Warning: If someone in your company is infected with the coronavirus, colleagues who have been in contact with the person may be put under quarantine. In this specific case, clarify this with your employer and the local health authority!

As long as you are healthy and circumstances allow you to, you may have to work from home (e.g. in home-office) while you are in quarantine. Discuss this with your employer.