Can my employer fire me because there is currently no work for me?
If you have been working in a company with 10 or more employees for more than 6 months, the statutory protection against dismissal (Kündigungsschutz) applies. This means that there must be certain reasons for a termination (Kündigung). The current corona crisis is not automatically a reason for operation related redundancies (betriebsbedingte Kündigung). If your employer terminates your contract with this reason, you should have your termination legally checked. To do this, you must file a so-called unfair dismissal complaint (Kündigungsschutzklage) with the competent labour court (Arbeitsgericht).
Important: A termination might have consequences for your residency. If you have any questions, be sure to seek advice!
Attention: If your employer wants you to sign a termination notice, you might actually sign your own notice of termination or a termination agreement (Aufhebungsvertrag). This can have disadvantages for you! Seek advice from a Fair Integration counselling office before you sign anything! Read the information on our flyer "Termination - what I need to know!".