Will I still get my wages if my company closes?
There are three options:
1. A government authority quarantines your company because, for example, many employees have contracted the coronavirus. The following applies: The employer generally bears the operational risk, even if operational problems that they did not cause arise. If the closure has been ordered externally by an authority, the employer must continue to pay wages.
2. Your employer closes the company because he no longer has a job for you. If he meets the requirements, he can ask for short-time work allowance (Kurzarbeitegeld) from the employment agency (Agentur für Arbeit) for his employees. You can find out what "short-time work" means in the question: "What is short-time allowance".
3. Your employer closes the business voluntarily or as a precaution. In this case, you can stay at home and the employer must continue to pay your wages.