Förderprogramm "Integration durch Qualifizierung IQ"

Temporary residence permit as an objective reason

A temporary residence permit can also be a justified objective reason.

However, an objective reason must already be definitively in place when the contract is concluded. This is not always the case with temporary residence permits. Contact your Fair Integration advice centre if your employment contract has a fixed term due to your residence permit.

Fixed-term contracts with objective reason can be extended as often as required (no maximum limit).

It is not possible for you or the employer to terminate the contract with notice before the end date here, either.  This is only possible if it has been expressly agreed in the employment contract or in an applicable collective agreement.

Please note: three months before your fixed-term employment contract expires, you must register with the employment agency as looking for work. If a fixed-term contract ends because the purpose has been fulfilled, or if the contract ends due to termination/dismissal, you must register with the employment agency as looking for work within 3 days of finding out about the end of the employment relationship.