Competence Centre for Fair Integration
With the start of the new funding phase of the IQ Network, the Competence Centre for Fair Integration (“Fachstelle Faire Integration”) was established. Thus, the Competence Centre for Fair Integration replaces the structure of the previous funding phase "Support Fair Integration" (2019-2022).
The Competence Centre for Fair Integration is one of the three “Fachstellen” in the IQ Network: The “Fachstelle Anerkennung und Qualifizierung” is responsible for the topics of recognition, recognition counselling and qualification nationwide. The “Fachstelle Einwanderung und Integration” is responsible for the topics of immigration and integration in the labour market.
The “Fachstelle Faire Integration” is responsible for the coordination and support of the Fair Integration advice centres in the 16 regional states in Germany. The Fair Integration advice centres advise and inform refugees and third-country nationals on employment and social law issues. People from European countries seeking advice can contact the DGB's Fair Mobility Advisory Network, which provides information to people from Central and Eastern Europe on labour and social law issues.
The Competence Centre for Fair Integration is managed by the IQ Consult gGmbH, a 100% affiliated company of the DGB Bildungswerk BUND e.V. The Competence Centre for Fair Integration works closely with the DGB Trade unions.
The main tasks of the Competence Centre for Fair Integration are:
- Training courses for the advisors of the Fair Integration counselling centres
- Conducting networking meetings for the advisors of the fair integration advice centres for the regular exchange of experience and knowledge
- Further support for the Fair Integration advice centres on difficult counselling issues and through the development of practical aids
- Preparation of counselling content in exchange with the counselling centres, e.g., in the form of case descriptions and dossiers
- Central public relations work for the overall structure of Fair Integration as well as processing and transfer of the knowledge gained to politics and the interested (professional) public
- Direct advice to refugees and third-country nationals on employment and social law issues
- Conception and provision of specific information events and group offers for refugees and third-country nationals in cooperation with the Fair Integration advice centres.
The funding programme IQ – Integration through Qualification aims to sustainably improve the labour market integration of adults with a migration background. The Competence Centre for Fair Integration is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the European Union through the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus) as part of the funding programme IQ – Integration through Qualification and is administered by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. Partners in the implementation are the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Employment Agency.